"Have a good attitude about things, speak positively of others, and serve the best you can. Change your negative thoughts to thoughts of faith. God will fight your battles for you, but you must be willing to show him that you trust him."

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

One Huge Update

To start of the past 5 months I have been on 3 antibotics to fight the bacteria I am growing, mycobacterium avium complex, or in other words, MAC. I cultured this after I had my Bronch back in January. I was referred to an infectious disease doctor. After that my lungs have been feeling pretty good. My PFT's are up 3 percent and have been staying there at a good steady 75. My problem lately has been my stomach.

I have been having a lot of GI problems lately. My GI doctor though it may have been acid reflux so he upped my dose of Prevacid, helped for a bit, but not enough. Then he had me get a CT and X-ray of my tummy, I was blocked, so I had a few different methods of rinse outs, helped for a while, then the pain came back and this time with lots of nausea to accompany it. Finally he felt my gall bladder and it was sensitive, so he had me get an ultra sound, and it looked fine, but the next appointment it was worse, so he scheduled a HIDA scan. The results showed that my gall bladder is not emptying right (whatever that means). I know have to meet with a surgeon, who will let me know if it is CF related or if there is something else going on, and if I need to get it taking out. I want the problem to be fixed, but I really don't want to go through surgery right now, I don't want to have to sit out my senior year of cheer. If it is not urgent, I rather wait to Winter break, or Spring break, even Summer break if I can.

Today though I saw the surgeon. There were lots of questions and poking and going over my results and symptoms. & he came to the conclusion that I do have chronic cholecystitis (also known as gallbladder dysfunction) which means my gallbladder is not emptying right, but he does not think that is my problem right now, meaning he doesn't think I need to get my gallbladder taken out. The HIDA scan also showed that I have biliary-gastric reflux, where the bile that breaks down my food is going back up into my stomach and is breaking down the mucus lining in my stomach. He thinks this is what is causing the nausea and pain. He is sending me back to my GI doctor to get an endoscopy of my esophagus and stomach, and some medicines to help. So no I have to go back to my GI doctor and get that looked at, but may still need to get my gallbladder taken out anyway. So now it is another waiting game. More updates to come after I meet with my GI doctor.

Long story short: lungs are good, GI is a mess. Hoping for the problem to be fixed.